Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nordic Walking ROCKS

Ever heard of Nordic Walking?

No? Well, it's a great way to exercise, especially if you are heavy. First get some adjustable or non-adjustable hiking poles, then buy some rubber tips (or "paws", Amazon has em), put em together, learn how to do it, then walk away the lbs!

Well, I am not the best preacher for this type of exercise. I used to live in a great neighborhood for walking, but since moving to a new apartment complex, I have gravitated towards indoor workouts like Beachbody DVDs (Power 90, which I recently started) or Yoga DVDs.

Once the weather gets nice and I get used to my new area, I'd like to do more Nordic walking!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Mike! This is SSKatie from BCB, and I'm following your blog. Just wanted to say that I've got Nordic-type poles and I really enjoy walking with them at the local park. If you have back problems, they seem to help support you as you're walking along.

    Keep up the good work, buddy!
