Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Currently I am working on the Couch to 5K program to get myself into jogging and running. So far I am loving it! Check out for more on that. Anyway, I am using the treadmill at work on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. After jog/walking as called for by the program, I do some elliptical machine cardio and then use their weight training machines, which are awesome!

I have rediscovered how awesome it is to get up super early and get on the road BEFORE the traffic for my Maryland to Virginia commute. It also provides an excellent excuse for going to bed early!

All in all, I am excited about fitness again. Like they say "if you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got." Jogging is something I have always avoided, so it's got to be good for me. So far I am finding it to be a super fun change from other things I have done before.

A Reclaiming

I have returned. The pinched nerve in my neck in my neck was cured by consistent physical therapy sessions, but it took a lot more work to get my faith in a healthy lifestyle back and to convince myself that I am worth the effort to get back on track. But here I am... back on track.

I reclaim my life. I recognize that I have a problem with sugary foods and simple carbohydrates. I need to be very careful to avoid losing control. However, I know that the calm middle road is the best. Let overexcitement and dissatisfaction float away as they wilt. I will just be.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Foundations: Yoga and Taichi

I went to Taichi class last night and did some yoga as well. My sifu also told me to rest assured that my neck would get better with time, so that's good. I need to do taichi and yoga, as those are often neglected foundations of all that I do. Forget the kungfu, weightlifting, even WW without taichi and yoga, I break down. I started concentrating on yoga and taichi again last night and I am feeling somewhat better. With Yoga, Taichi, PT, acupuncture, and western medical attention, I can't go wrong! Jeesh! Got to love my style of overkill!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day Zero: Resting Pinched Nerve

Hi there,

I have stopped P90X for a while 2 weeks or so??, because of a pinched nerve in my neck from the program before I did P90X. I saw an acupuncturist yesterday and it was helpful, and I have another appointment on Friday. Wish me luck!

Monday, August 31, 2009

P90X Day 9: Late, But Good

Yeah, my day 8 was supposed to be yesterday, Sunday, but I was goofing off around. However, I have gotten myself together this morning and did day 8, so I will count yesterday like it didn't exist. :)

Didn't get to do my Ab Ripper workout, so I will do it this afternoon before my kungfu practice. I have my P90X instruction manual in my kungfu bag ready to go. It might spark some interesting conversations with my kungfu brothers.

May you be well!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 5 Legs and Back

Morning world,

Today was Legs and Back and it was rough. Lots of balance type exercises that challenged me. Got to get to my day-job. Later~

E-Legs and Back DVD 10
B-Rec shake 4
B1-Shakeology 9
L-Hot sour soup 8
L1-Leftover chicken broc 8
L2-Rice with shrimp broc 8
E-Kungfu 1
E-Kids Kungfu 1

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 4, Yoga X, success

Hello there,

Today was Day 4 of P90X and Yoga X was on tap... I was anxious about doing this DVD as it is 90 minutes long and quite strenuous. Well I modified some, got through it (except the abs as I do too much of that at the moment) and I feel I am on the right track. What's most important is that I really enjoyed the P90X Yoga X workout. Tony is spot on and chilled out throughout. He does a GREAT job of leading a strenuous and fulfilling workout. It's not as chilled out as my usual Sunday yoga class, but my guru there has incense and music and her own chill style, so that is OK. After 13 weeks of Tony's Ashtanga power yoga, my Sivananda yoga will go to a new level of bliss. I feel a sense of joy at the thought of slowly becoming awesomer and awesomer day by day! WOOT!

If you are interested in Sivananda, check out

If you interested in Tony Horton's genius, then check out my website at

Here's my food plan for today:
B-Rec drink
B1-Shake with oats
L1-chicken with veg and 1/4 c white rice 8
L2-Same 8
L3-Soup and VP sandwich (TBD) 6
E-Kungfu 1-2
E-Kids class 1
D-TBD as usual whatever my better half makes

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 3: Shoulders and Arms; Logic

Hello there,

Today is day 3 of P90X. This morning was the Shoulders and Arms workout. I enjoyed it quite a bit as there's so much variety in the moves. I went kind of light on the weights as my shoulders are on the weak side... I will work up to heavier weights gradually!


One thing I have been thinking about is logic. What is logical? Is eating XYZ sugary food porn logical? No, it might make me sick (happened to me recently) and it will make me stay fat or get fatter! If I look at food in the light of logic, then eating clean looks a LOT better. It's all about parenting yourself, your inner child.

E-DVD 10
B-Recovery Shake 4
B-Shake 9
L-leftovers 10
L2-same 10
OO 2
E-Simple yoga to chill :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

P90X Day Two: Yoga, Wonderdrugs

I am feeling WONDERFUL! I exercised hard yesterday (chest and back) and today (plyo)! It was awesome and the workout I used still leaves a huge amount of room to progress! Can you tell how up I am?

Let's remember people! The only one that matters is US, that is, me, myself and I. That is, You, Yourself, and YOU! Let's be in our own skins and love ourselves. Be arrogant and reject anything in your way.

Exercise is a wonderdrug. I feel like I know now. What do I know? Make your body sing and your soul will join in! That is the essence of the word "yoga". What is your yoga? Did you know that a morning cup of coffee could be considered yoga? A routine walk around the block at lunch is YOGA. Anything you do to be in your own skin for yourself is yoga.

E-Plyo 10
B-Recovery shake 4
B2-Prot shake 9
L-Beans and rice 4
L2-Veg and chick 5
L3-Veg and chick 5
E-Kungfu 2
E-Kids class 1

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Presto Change-Oh! P90X Starts Today, 8/23/2009

My arms and chest are exhausted and I did the Chest and Back DVD for P90X day 1 hours ago! This is going to be absolutely awesome for me because I have sooo far to go!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Hello there,

I have been struggling big-time lately, especially with controlling my food. I will be back over the next few days to post some thoughts and influences that have brought me back to a place of strength and recomittal.

So basically this post is to say hello and do update some tickers and such. Be back later.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

CE Day 33: Hanging in there

Meal plan for the day:
E-Power 90 Sweat 1/2 DVD -3
B-Shake 9
L-3 spring rolls 6
L2-Soup with toast 9
L3-Broc 1
S-Cheerios 3
E-Chalean Extreme Push 2 DVD -4
S-Recovery Drink 4

Did my P90 cardio this morning. I am doing this and Ab ripper just to practice/train for toughness. I hate cardio, but it is the best thing out there for my kungfu and pulmonary capabilities. However, I am taking it slow so as not to overtrain overall because I am doing Chalean Extreme too...

Monday, August 10, 2009

CE Day 32 Push Phase

Hello there,

Today's meals:
E-Burn Intervals, Abs Burner 5
B-Shake 7
B-Recovery drink 2
L-Spring Rolls 10
L2-Soup 4
S-Cheerios 2
S-Raisans 2
L3-Beans on bread 3
E-Kung fu, kids class 3-4

E-Power 90 1-2/Abs Ripper 100
B-Rec drink 2
B-Shake 7
Snacks and Lunch TBD....
E- Chalean Extreme Push Circuit 2

I have been in an eating RUT! Well now I am better and out of that funk. I am back to journaling and counting points. I am going to up my cardio and ab work, as well as up the intensity on my progress with Kungfu. I have decided to set a goal to pass my broadsword test on or around September 5th. This is a big deal as the broadsword form is fast and furious and requires some jumping kicks. I know I can do it and that way I can get started on my next form. Wish me luck please!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Chalean Extreme Day 18: My Dream Board

Hi there,

I started my Dream Board this weekend finally (I had bought the cork board a few weeks ago). I took some clippings from men's fitness and yoga magazines. I also had a picture of a kungfu dude using a Kwan Dao, a weapon which I would really like to learn. Maybe one day I will take pics of the board...

The Dream Board's purpose is to give you a place to put pictures and words that motivate you and help you visualize your goals. The idea is if you can visualize something, you can work more effeciently to stay on track toward your goals.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Weight Loss Success, The Secret of Bliss

I have come to realize that success at weightloss is actually extremely instantaneous. It happens right at those moments where we make a better choice and live better in each individual moment. The more you can exist in a place where you are open to these possibilities, the more of these successes you can string together. This rings true to me. It may seem like bologna to you, but that's not up to me.

Another thing that I am meditating on is my relationship with work and life. I often find myself wandering mentally, like right now LOL, goofing off at work. To my buddhist-wannabe perspective, it seems like work, love, life, and joy are all basically the same (BOOOOOOM! Big bang here!) and nothing is really work and everything is bliss if you are open to it (WoooooAH! Gnarly brainblast!). LOL.

Monday, July 20, 2009

CE Day 11: Building Character

Today I am reflecting on what Chalene Johnson said in this morning's Burn Intervals DVD. She was talking about pushing through discomfort and building character. Of course, she doesn't mean hurting yourself... She meant to try more each day, give another extra 10% and then more... I think this can really apply to diet too. The secret is to give that extra 10% in your workouts and in your life. After a while you will become a person who gives extra at everything you do. And if what you do is good for yourself and others you will be rewarded. Sounds pretty stress-free to me! So don't fret the small things, work hard and try your best each day.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Keepin' on! ( CE rest day)

Went to Mom's for family night last night and it was fine but she gave us leftovers which happened to be a big trigger food (albeit healthy but still) but she looked sad when I refused the first time. So then I took them and ate them secretly when we got home.Bummer.

I have been doing sooooo well lately in terms of choices and such, but binges and sneaks are plaguing me still (I haven't mentioned them all). Like I always say, "your inner demons want you to succeed just as much as you do, but they don't know any better than what they do, which of course is sabotage you." The binges and sneaks tend to subside when i live life proactively and meet stress and responsibility head on. I have been shirking in certain areas of my life and the key lies in the integration of differing life aspects. So here goes. One day at a time one hour at a time. Keep on keepin' on!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dumplings Disaster

Well, I overate on Shirley's Chinese dumplings (guotie) last night. I feel quite sick today after doing relatively well for so long.

So now I know, dumplings are a trigger for me. Bigtime. I should have just denied them and eaten my veggies. Now there are none left and Shirley doesn't even have any to enjoy. Maybe this is my twisted way of saying "FOR MERCY'S SAKE< DON"T MAKE THESE ANY MORE!"

Monday, July 13, 2009

CE Day 4

Hi there,

I have been busy with my weekend and it's been hot, so I am less likely to spend time on my computer over the weekend in my hot apartment.

I did Burn Intervals this morning and found that it's a super TOUGH workout!!! Owwwieeee! But a good OWwwiiieee...

Not much else to report. Using iWatchr for my iPhone to track WW points. Working well so far...


Friday, July 10, 2009

A Foul Humor

I am in a foul, foul mood today. I realized that my aunt came to visit my grandparents in Virginia last week, my Mom told me about it, I decided I couldn't go...Today I realized that no one actually ever asked me to go. I was not invited. I don't trust my people to want me there. My family has hardly any real emotional connection. I feel like I am the only person who gives a damn. Sure I know I am a selfish and arrogant and alpha type personality, but my family should want me around... I have been almost crying alllllll morning. It sucks hardcore...

One thing this means is that I have NOT been exercising enough. I have been taking it easy because of my wrist, but I am not getting my usual endorphins.

My newly finer-tuned survival instincts are intact however. I wanted to go buy an orgy of XXXXXXXXXXXXXSHFJHASDFJASDKFBasj at Safeway before work to dull the pain of my sad life (my depression), but I didn't. I turned the car around and went back toward work, saw the 7-11 on the way to work, got weak and stopped...But after looking and looking, I bought 2 boiled eggs... LOL My first smile of the day. :/

So here goes. I hope you are well as you read this. We are all connected. If you are an older person in your family, don't give your younger people too much room. Call them and ask them how they are from time to time. Call them over to see you occasionally. And please take care of yourself and be well.

EDIT: I just realized that my Mom probably was asking me if I wanted to go when she told me about my Aunt's visit, but I don't remember the words. The words "Go with me" never occured.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wrist pain ; Chalean Extreme preparation

My wrist is throbbing some this morning. I regret not applying my dit da jow medicine enough yesterday. :( So I applied a bunch this morning and did some qigong, which always makes me feel an energy flow in my body especially in my arms, so hopefully that can help get kinks out of my wrist tendons. :/

Beyond this I just need to continue to take it easy before starting Chalean Extreme on Sunday.

I am trying to get an online buddy on Team Beachbody to do it with me, but he doesn't seemed psyched, so I might go it alone. No problem as I am never alone in my fitness journey. I have the entirety of Team Beachbody with me, which is a truly awesome feeling. Not to mention my other dear friends on Bootcamp Buddies and Facebook! Thanks everyone!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Slim in 6: Start it up!

I am not really into the Masters Series and I am waiting for Chalean X to arrive. So this morning I did Debbie S's Start it up workout. It wasn't that bad, but it was very different. I am thinking of doing the next one tomorrow or I will do some Turbo Jam. Dunno...On Thursday I am definitely gonna use the CLX dvds to go through the moves and get oriented to her lifting style. I am gonna lift HEAVY when she says to. I hope my 35 lbs hexagonal weights are going to be enough...

I am very excited to do this new program!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Chalean Extreme!

Well I have decided to do a new exercise program. I WAS thinking I would do Slim in 6 as that supposed to be a good program for weight loss, but there's a newer program that concentrates on weight training for weight loss. It's called Chalean Extreme and it's by the same lady, Chalene Johnson, who made Turbo Jam. It's another DVD that is for weight loss, but it is marketed towards women mostly. I want to do this one so I can recommend it later to people who may not be quite ready for P90X. I hear it is good for beginners, but also nothing to underestimate either as it pushes you to lift on the heavy side to make muscle. Excited! WOOT!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


"IMPOSSIBLE is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. IMPOSSIBLE is not a fact. It's an opinion." -- Duroc2000 of Bcb"

Day 13-14: Illin' and Chilin'

I was sick on the 4th :(... Sick enough to not workout.

Today Sunday the 5th, I am lazy and slow, but will be working out soon. No worries.

Weighed in this morning, and found that I was 3 lbs down. Well, I was sick yesterday and maybe that's why I lost... BUT I"LL take it!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Day 13, July 3rd

Today my wrist seemed to be improving so I did some sculpt 3/4 with my pushup stands and I was fine. Better than fine as I really missed that workout.

I am thinking of jumping over to Slim in 6 when my showcase pack arrives. This decision signals an unnerving trend toward masochism... but I think it might be helpful for kungfu and weightloss in general. Besides it is a good program for weight loss that only lasts 6 weeks. I understand it to be very hardcore! GRRH!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Depression is not the end!

Inspire Your Own Darned Self!

Be your own inspiration. Think about how awesome your fitness goals are and make them HAPPEN!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I just did my "jumping-around" workout, called Plyo Legs. I tend to modify a lot of the moves. That's one thing that is awesome about Tony Horton's DVDs. He is ALL about DOING WHAT YOU CAN and protecting your joints. I definitely take him up on that.

It's the same logic as yoga. Do what you can everyday without overstraining or injuring yourself, only then can you truly progress and improve consistently. Consistency is CRUCIAL. P90 baby!

Monday, June 29, 2009

My Beachbody Bio

I am the son of a type one diabetic (my mother) and the grandson of a type 2 diabetic (my maternal grandmother). My mother is in good shape for a type one diabetic in her 50s, but suffers from several small ailments (at least she doesn’t let on that they are serious…). After years of being overweight, improvements in her health have let my maternal grandmother improve her weight and her quality of life. Health has always been a major issue right smack in the middle of my life.

On my father’s side, my father has been over 300 lbs for the last 20 years at least, reaching a highest weight of around 410 lbs. I barely remember the man in the old photographs who was handsome, strong, and fit. My father is a warm and strong man, but he still needs to lose weight. A few years ago, my father lost 100+ lbs over the course of a year with Weightwatchers. Later, he stopped, only to regain around 25 lbs. However, lately he has been getting away from his WW habits and is rapidly gaining weight.

What about me you ask? I have been big all my life. I remember being around 180 at 10 years old. I was always shopping in the “husky” boys department of the stores. Food was always a comfort in a split home, being shuttled between homes.

In high school, I don’t think I ever got to over 200 lbs because of a martial arts hobby, thankfully, however in college lack of organized exercise led me to gain weight, coupled with calzones and wings at the cafeteria. Still I didn’t gain that much until I graduated and went overseas to China as a brand-new Chinese/Business major… There, as a working man/stiff suit expat employee, I had money to eat and to party. I ballooned up to 220, then to 250 lbs. I remember trying to exercise, but it never lasted. Then later, I found an even better job as a manager for the guys who check shipments for quality problems (no suit required!). The factory bosses would take me out to lunch and dinner without hesitation. The food crowded the tables and the liquor flowed. I gained even more, getting to a 48 inch waist and more than 330 lbs. I didn’t actually know how much I weighed as my scale only went to 330 lbs. I estimate I have weighed as much as 350 lbs. I was addicted to online roleplaying games in my off-time, which was often for 10 hours a day. My health began to suffer greatly, which caused my work to suffer. This became my rock bottom. I was laid off and returned to the United States with my wife.

I joined Weightwatchers, inspired by my father’s previous success and he joined me for a time as well. I joined at 332 lbs, and seven months later, I had lost weight to get to 257 lbs. I rejoined at my old kungfu school, which helped greatly with exercise and discipline. However, my discipline was not complete. Life was hard and finding work harder, I fell back into smoking, overeating, left Weightwatchers, and suffered from depression. I regained up to 310 or so in a few months.

Then one day I watched a P90X infomercial and I was very much attracted to it. I had re-quit smoking by that time and my kungfu teacher had kicked my behind to restart my discipline. I needed a tool! P90X seemed to fit. I asked around with some online weight loss buddies and some of them had been doing P90X. However, at the time I felt P90X was too expensive. I asked around and found out about Team Beachbody Club Members getting 10 percent off. Then, one of my online buddies recommended Power 90 In-home Boot Camp as a stepping stone, so I bought it and was on my way! I worked out in the mornings at 5 in the morning, and did kungfu 3-4 nights a week. It really helped with my discipline, confidence, and my waistline. I lost about 20 lbs and my kungfu uniform felt much more comfortable. What’s more I could do pushups again! By that point my kungfu teacher, my Sifu, had enlisted me to help teach children at the school. I no longer needed to slink by when the kids needed to do their calisthenics, I could JOIN IN!

Now I have begun Power 90 Masters Series with some Stretch X and P90 Sculpt ¾ thrown in the mix. As of this draft, I am on day 9! The thing I love about the P90 programs (P90, P90 Masters Series, and P90X Extreme In-Home Fitness Program) is that it asks you to commit to 90 days. As new habits take 6 weeks to take hold, doing a DVD program for 13 weeks is a great way to keep a fit and active lifestyle. In fact, you can do them over and over, even switching between a wide variety of programs.

I have become a coach because I believe in Beachbody’s mission of eradicating obesity in America. I have been too fat to serve in the defense of my country for too long. I have been too fat to dance with my wife for two long. I have been too fat to properly keep my part of our apartment’s mess clean for too long. When living in China, I was considered a monster for being a fat, Caucasian foreigner. The next time I visit China, I want to be stared at for my muscles, not my fat. I want to be a shining example of what an American is and can be. For my country and for my family!

Round 2 Day 9: Lazy Monday morning

Hi there,

This morning I rolled out of bed at 4:45am (my usual time) and was not ready for a workout :(. However, that is when my new mantra, CONSISTENCY, rang in my mind. OK! I'll do it! So I did Sculpt 5/6 and it was tough, but I got through it and it felt GOOD!

Lately, I have been putting a little of this orange sports drink (that has a 4 to 1 carb-protein ration like the P90X recovery drink) into my Shakeology along with 1/3 scoop banana whey and milk and a cup of cheerios. It's a feast at 9 Weightwatchers points, but it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! Makes me swoon to think about it. LOL JK!

Got to get to work. Have a great, healthy day!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Round 2 Day 8: Sunday! Yoga and Sweat 5/6

Hi there!

I am EXHAUSTED! Yesterday was a gathering of Team Beachbody coaches to get some energy together in the Washington DC area. It was great because I got a taste of Turbo Jam and Slim in 6. I need to get my showcase back so I can enjoy some Turbo Jam and Hip Hop Abs. They did a lot of P90X material in a group workout, so I am SORE all over.

HOWEVER, I still got up this morning, saw I had time to get to Yoga class, so I went. Consistency is key to doing anything in life. We become what we do. So now I am one sore, relaxed dude. Oh yeah... my yoga teacher had us do 12 SUN SALUTATIONS, a full round of sun salutations in Sivananda yoga. OMG! Then we did some pilates! That always hits me in weak areas! Ouch! Lol. It hurt sooo good.

Hopefully a buddy of mine will come over and do a cardio DVD with me this afternoon. I am going to post a pic of one of my Team Beachbody idols in a bit. Got to upload it first! Met him yesterday!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

R2 Day 5: Good day lined up!

Kind of overate last night as my wife made a nice white rice porridge for dinner with lean chicken breast. Carb overload! Ack! But still on the light side. I probably needed it. (Forget I said that WW hardcore peeps).

However, wednesday (yesterday) was a hardcore all-day-long exercise-fest with a P90 Sweat 5/6 DVD in the AM, then Kungfu sword class, then KF kiddies class, then Taichi... All told at least 3 hours of moving if I add the bits and pieces together... We'll see on WI Sunday...

Got up this morning and did some P90 cardio. Tonight should be a light night. Maybe I will do some yoga tonight...

Eating wise I am prepared for today with tuna fish, veggies and light progresso soup (ick! still processed food!!!), etc. Also I have some almonds in my food bag, but not too many, just about an ounce. Any more and points get wasted... LOL.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Be the Hero in the Video Game of Life

I have played video games since childhood (since they started really, 20plus years now at least). I was severely addicted to World of Warcraft in China and I blame that lifestyle for destroying my health and my spirit for so many years.

The other day, one of my senior colleagues at my teacher's kungfu school was responding to a child babbling on about a video game, and said "be the hero in the video game of life" (or at least that was the gist of it). That hit me right in the forehead! YES! That's IT! That is a perfect way to describe my recent experiences and my near future. In online games like World of Warcraft sure you make a lot of friends online and you do try to solve puzzles and acheive goals, especially gear and equipment goals, BUT it's all NOT REAL. If the servers at WOW's corportate offices fried, you would up a creek!!! Your hard work would ALL BE GONE! Your LIFE --fake though it may be-- would be GONE! That is a stupid way to live. If you play or are a parent of someone who plays, please supervise the player and try to wean him off it. Show her another choice. An active lifestyle of activities and real friends! Thank GOD I am free of that evil! It's as evil as smoking FOR SURE if that helps to put the problem in perspective!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


If you are coming from BCB, welcome. My thread was closed because the content was against the terms of use for BCB. Check out my link to my Beachbody products to the right. I apologize to BCB for any trouble. BCB!

Monday, June 22, 2009

R2D2: Coachdom is mine!

I became a coach today! Absolutely very cool experience! Team Beachbody has great products and they can really help change our country's health! It is all a little overwhelming as I am not yet sure how to get the message out. I am sure I'll start adding information to this blog very soon! Have a great evening.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

R2 Day 1: 6lbs down, Ankle feat!

Yeah! I lost 6 lbs this week! Not sure how but I think it has something to do with resting... I overate a bit too... I tried to stick to the WW plan, but... and I still lost... dangerous... Got to keep my head on straight!

Also in yoga class this morning, I was able to bring my foot forward in my sun salutations without pulling my ankle up with my hand! If you know sun salutations, you understand!

Sculpt workout this PM after Dad's Day festivities.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I base the concept of my blog on an ancient Chinese story about an old man that wants to level a mountain that blocks his route to market from his farm. He starts moving the mounting rock by rock. People ask him what are you doing? You can't move a mountain like that. He said yes I can. If I don't finish, those after me, my sons can finish or their sons after them...

The point of this is I didn't put this weight on in a day, so it will takes weeks and weeks (years worth of weeks even) to get to a healthy and fit weight. That's just reality. But using our will, waking our consciousness, and by choosing (which a friend recently reminded me is an action verb) to do the right thing we can get there.

Yesterday one of my senior brothers in the kungfu school told the children that discipline means doing the right thing. So true... My Sifu (teacher) told me months ago that discipline was the answer to my problems of weight gain, ill health and inactivity. In doing so he saved my life. Now I understand what he meant better than ever. Thanks Lester.

Days 4-5 of Rest Week: Sifu's Advice

Hi there,

I just had to midnight snack on 10 points worth (2C raisan bran, 2C skim) of cereal this morning... As long as I stay within my points for this week, I'll be ok with it. Sifu tells me not to eat at night, but I'll try, but sometimes I fail. The worst thing is it makes me sick some when I lay back down. As of right now, no strong symptoms, so that's good.

Did my kids classes and taichi class last night. Tonight I am planning to do kids classes and then do some DVD. Maybe Stretch X. That'll be nice...

It's raining bad right now. Might have to go to work early so I make it on time and alive :)

I have told Sifu about my plans for my next P90 round, so I better do a good job. Talk about motivation. Sifu's my hero as an athlete and a coach for others!

Sifu has been telling me to boldy go forth with calorie deficit dieting and don't worry about losing muscle. So there you go. I will. Strict old-school weightwatchers. No modifications.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rest week Day 2 :)

Small disaster averted just now. My beloved wife made pork spareribs!!! Ingredients: 1 lb pork spareribs and 3 TB canola oil, some cut carrots and spices....stewed in a pot... 55 WW points by my calculations. I took 3 small, small pieces and called it 3 points... YIKES! If I had dug in it would have been a lot worse. Whew! I love her to pieces though!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 90: Anti-Climax & Affirmation

Well I am proud of my finishing P90, but I feel like my progress is negligible. My measurements are basically the same as Day 60. Did I not "bring it" enough? I really should not second guess myself as I KNOW I HAVE IMPROVED and I KNOW THAT IT WAS WORTH IT! Just got to keep going!

Masters Series starts next Sunday. This week is going to go slow... I love the structure of the plan...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day 89: Exhausted

I did my taichi class this morning and taught my kids kf class... So now I am quite tired!

Tmrw is Day 90. I will do sweat and abs around noon and then rest.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Day 88: TGIF! Militancy! Soup with VEG!

I for one am back on track to eat well today. I have gotten rid of some junkfood wolves in sheepskin, so I am feeling empowered this morning. Was reading a book about getting militant and it resonated with the attitude I held last year when I lost a bunch of weight on WW the first time.

I am going to try to eat more soup... However these "light" Progresso soups are low in points but HIGH in Salt!!! So I'll have to see how it goes... I have good blood pressure and I tend to drink a lot and workout and sweat a lot, soooo maybe the salt won't do me in just yet.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 86: Working

Hi there,

Today is Day 86 and I have work and then a full evening of kung fu/taichi classes and activities. So I will do the ab exercises, but I will do my P90 cardio tmrw. Kung Fu counts for cardio too if I push it! Grrh!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 85: Feeling Well; Almonds

Hi there world(sic lol),

Work is going well today. Getting stuff done!

Last night I practiced Kung Fu for a while and helped out teaching the kiddies, which is always fun and challenging and rewarding. But I still had to go home and do my Power 90 cardio workout, so I dragged myself home and I DID it!

Tonight I have another Strength DVD to do. I am definitely looking forward to finishing strong!

I am experimenting this week with almonds as a snack. They are a good source of Vitamin E, which I understand is good for repairing the body. They also have good fiber and protein with low carbs. Hopefully they will keep me satified well. Other foods I tend to snack on tend to be a little too processed like lunch meat or canned soup (light variety).

Back to work. Love yourself more every day.

EDIT/update: Well I had a Happy Meal for lunch (portion control!) so I don't have many points for more almonds today. It is now 2 PM and I am feeling good though.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Day 84: Nice Monday

Hi there,

Got my sculpt strength workout in last night. It was hard after a couple of days off and of having some GI issues, but I got it done.

Tonight after my kung fu practice and kids class, I'll come home and do my cardio workout (AKA sparring class) lol.

Lots of stress at home. Shirley can't find a summer job and is struggling to find scholarships for UMCP. We should have enough money, but I have been spending too freely on nutrition books and work out gear. :( So the breaks are on spending for a while...

Good thing I already got P90 Masters Series and P90X, so basically I am set.

More later,


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Day 8X

Not been very well lately. Will post later. Hoping to get back on track with everything tmrw.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Day 82?: Good rainy day/Shakeology

Hi there,

I received P90X in the mail yesterday. I see how complicated the nutrition plan is, and I am simply in awe of it all.

In other news, I have started a new dietary supplement known as Shakeology, which is a glorifed protein shake with enzymes, probiotics and prebiotics. So far it seems to be very filling and good tasting with milk. Also seems to be giving me some digestive benefits, but the jury's still out until I take it for at least a week. Shakeology has been compared to crack by its proponents, which makes me wary, but if it helps my nutrition over all and helps me reduce cravings for bad food, then who cares!

P90 ends mid-June and I will begin P90MS soon after.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 80: Prayers and Mourning

Today is Day 80. Doing my best and forgetting the rest!

Today Barack Hussein Obama, our honored leader, is in Cairo to speak to the world. I pray for world peace and development. God help us.

Also today is the 20th anniversary of the death of a modern and democratic China. As I write this it is 7 PM on June 4th in China. The hopes for China died that day twenty years ago.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 78: Back from the Brink

Hi there,

I have not been blogging here as I have been somewhat lost and wrestling with night eating issues. So after much mediation and thought, I have started a new yoga regimen to add to my P90 DVDs and I have thrown the peanut butter out!

I have just not been able to exercise in the morning. I think now that it may just be a phase. Like Tony says, do your best and forget the rest. As long as I get my workouts in it's ok! Tonight is Cardio! Sweat 3/4! WOOT!

So generally I am doing well.

If Krista is reading this, I got your message and thanks and I will be in touch! Sorry about WOWY! Hope you had a good workout!

My diet is going OK and I am confident I can stay within points this week!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Day 74, Manana No Va (Morning no go!)

Hi there,

These days I just have hardly been able to work out in the mornings. Today I was able to get up and stay up, but I just felt so wiped out so I didn't work out. Instead I made a nice healthy lunch for today (tuna, brown rice and veggies with olive oil). Like Tony Horton says "Do your best and forget the rest." I will work out this evening after work.

Day 74 I think!...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 73: Zombie eating massacre

Hey there,

I am not feeling well as I didn't get enough sleep and I ate last night at 4 AM. I didn't put up the chair to block my path, so... PB binge to the max. I need to get to bed earlier on an emptyish stomach and put up my chair to block the path. Sucks!

As I didn't get to bed earlier enough and I was sick from eating, I didn't workout, which compounds the general suckiness of this morning.

Got to restrict eating for the rest of the day... :(

Monday, May 25, 2009

Day 70! Memorial Day

To all our countries war heroes and war dead, may you be well and thank you for protecting America.

That being said, hi there! Today is Day 70 and I will do Sculpt 3-4 after a while.

This morning I am reading a book called the Metabolic Typing Diet. Basically I am only at the beginning, but it intrigues me for its implications for helping with digestive issues I have. If there is some way I can combine it with WW then that's fine. However, I am pretty sure my fellow BCBers won't accept modifications to the WW plan.

Experiment for the month: half teaspoon of coconut oil every morning straight.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Day 68, Saturday

Evening out there,

Today was nice with Taichi and Kungfu classes, some grocery shopping (with lots of label reading, So much HFCS out there!!!!!), and a nice fish dinner with brussel sprouts and barley. Now it's time for bed so I can get up early to workout before going to see STAR TREK with my brother and nephew! WOOHOO!

NOTE: I realized I got some day #'s mixed up around 64-66, but today is definitely 68! :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009


" The irony of commitment is that it's deeply liberating -- in work, in play, in love. (part of a quote from The Way I See It #76, Starbucks Coffee) "

This quote is very powerful. Food for future thinking. Back to work!

Day 67, Doing well, Rested

Hi there,

Today I rested this morning, slept in, went to work later than usual. It was quite nice! My sculpt strength workout is either this evening or tmrw morning. Not sure yet.

My eating is going well. Without doing much journaling this week, I am pretty much under control. We'll see, but I am thinking about branching out into new types of nutritional plans, like the P90X plan, etc.

Tomorrow is my wife's graduation from community college with a 4.0 GPA. WOW! Gratz to her!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day 66: Feeling good

Hi there,

Did my Fat Burning Express DVD this morning and I have kung fu classes tonight. I am working on figuring out when I am full and stopping eating no matter what. Also trying to restart avoiding sugar! This is in order to keep insulin levels down in my blood so that my cells pull energy from my fat cells efficiently. Sugar just makes you crave more sugar. Hmmm... Guess those nutrition bars... have to go... Oh well my wife may like them. Otherwise I can give them to my 19 yo brother. He'll eat them. He is, after all, still a growing (?) boy, I mean, man...

Today I was watching a Youtube video about how the processed flour and vegetable oil producers have co-opted the government into lying to the world that sat fats are bad. What they mean is that sat fats are not bad, b/c before processed flour and oil people had less heart disease, etc. I bet there is truth in both standpoints. Both sides use fear tactics and I suppose both are lying. It's just plain sad. The nutrition questions involved are FASCINATING!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 65, Slept in, Missed WOWY! Sweet!

Tuesdays and Thursday mornings are rough as I teach kung fu Monday and Wednesday nights. Also, later on Tuesdays and Thursdays after work is when I do my strength training, so really the morning workout is extra. The problem is that workout is the Fat Burning Express, which is really, really FUN! :( Also I want to do some of the kundalini yoga DVD I have. Anyway, P90 is number one and as long as I have one P90 workout in a day with one optional rest day, then I am fine with my accomplishments. 'Sides I enjoyed the sleep and I won't make a habit of it.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Answer to a friend, Day 64 Update

I am ok. Last night was rough because I was thinking too much and feeling very alone. When I was in China for so many years, the experience changed me in how I think about family and life, and there is some culture shock living so close yet so far from family (long story). Like my Sifu (kung fu teacher) says "don't think so much."

You are right about the deception. They are stories played out by the mind and the weaker aspects of our nature (so-called "demons" and "inner brats"). I don't have to play a role in the stories. Just let them do their shpeel and pass.

Thanks for listening. Pushin play is my salvation. Eating well, sleeping well and helping others when given the opportunity is my salvation. Such is life. I try to think what would Jesus or the Buddha do and that helps.

I will try to make more time for reflection and meditation to stabilize myself. It is helpful to blog a bit about such things as they affect my health holistically.

Day 64, I guess... didn't check my calender but that should be right. Did my cardio and abs workout. Not too bad... Feeling better for sure.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day 63, Morbid Loneliness

I guess I have had a good day. For some reason, tonight I feel incredibly lonely and sensitive. Feeling like if you disappeared, the world would continue and no one would really feel heartbreaking pain over your passing.

This is depression. This is my old friend, the demon. Oh well, got to keep on trucking. Such is life.

Day 63, went to my yoga class this morning and did my strength circuit DVD in the early evening.

My best weapon against depression and obesity is sleep.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 60!

Yesterday I did 60 pushups in 4 sets (8+12+25+15) during my sculpt workout! Yeah!

Hmm.. Today is officially day 60. I have not yet weighed or measured inches. Will do so tonight. Will also take pics tonight. So I will be updating tmrw I guess. See ya!

Yeah for me!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I dedicate this day's efforts to my family and my country.

I have been having a bad few days. Night before last, I had a night eating episode that killed my weekly nutritional leeway. Well this morning I proceeded to do it again when I was still sleepy. Something must be bothering me inside. I need to slow down and bear witness to it before it makes me sick. That is what I will do today. Meditate. Don't laugh. It helps.

Once good way to slow down before you get too far gone and wrapped up in the events of your day is to dedicate your efforts. So, today I dedicate my efforts to my family and my country. May they be well.

Day 59, AM Rest, PM TBD (Strength?)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 58, Zombie Eating Strikes Again

Last night I was up late for the The Biggest Loser finale, so I didn't get enough rest and had a nighttime zombie eating episode. I have the points in my WW plan, so it's ok all in all. I don't feel good. That's for sure, which is the worst part.

So feeling somewhat ill, I popped in my Sweat 1-2/Abs 100 DVD and did my best. I have a long evening of Kung Fu and Taichi classes tonight, so I don't feel bad about not doing 3-4. My body probably could use the lowered intensity.

Well, got to get to work.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 57, Tuesday

I am getting pretty excited for day 60 coming up. However, I am still struggling with energy issues. I definitely stopped taking that thermogenic that was hurting my stomach. A wise friend of mine was encouraging me to stop taking it and I finally convinced myself. The old-fashioned way is best!

This morning I did Tony's P90 Fat Burning Express and it was fun. I love how that workout goes so quickly! I get so involved in doing the moves with good form that I hardly realize how fast I progress.

Another note: I think I am going to try to avoid using the scale and trust in my nutrition and exercise plan. I will have to weigh in on Friday, but before then NADA!

Lastly: I am thinking I might start experimenting with Slim-fast as a meal replacement. It tastes good and easy to find with lots of calcium and etc.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Oww! It burns!

This morning I took a new thermogenic pill from GNC that you are supposed to take before your workout. Well, it burns the stomach, so from now on I am going to take this bottle with breakfast AFTER my workout. My stomach has a VERY low pain/discomfort threshold. I figure I take care of it and it will do its best to take care of me! Why take it with breakfast? Well, food will help with the pain! It's either that or not take the whole bottle! It cost too much to just throw away. However, I will throw it away if the discomfort doesn't get better or if I have other problems.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ho-Hum Day 55

After Yoga this morning I have been really relaxed but have not felt energized enough to do my sculpt workout. Now it's 6PM and I betta get cracking. *Sigh*

Cool thing is that my wife had me make lunch, so now I know how to make spicy chicken cubes, which is a great dish. I want to take some of its concepts and panfry fish steaks that way. :)

Well, hopefully I can get to the workout soon.

EDIT: I got my workout in but I don't think I had enough carbs for energy. Felt kind of weak overall. Anyway.. this is a process. I took one more step in a 10 million step journey! Not too shabby after all!

Death of a Point


I have finally broken through the 290 barrier to a new weight of 288 lbs. This means I lose a weightwatchers point! Yeah!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ahhh Saturday, Day 54!

Hi there,

Day 54, Got my Sweat/Abs done this morning. Feeling good.

I think I am slightly addicted to lifting weight. I can't wait til tmrw's sculpt workout! LOL!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 53

Hi there,

Last night after recovering from foobarness of the day, I was really wiped out. As my TBB BBS friend AK said I need some rest and a dosage of carbs. So got it. Also POP and gtg.

This morning I did my Sculpt strength workout and it went well. My pushups were not very stellar (as always is the case in the mornings), but I will live. All told I probably did about 40 or so on Power Stands, so I'll take that. Each set I tried to do at least 10, and on the 7, 7, 7s I got to about 20 before I had to quit. Oops! wait that's 50 or so total. WOOT!

TGIF! This week has been rough!

Last night was Tony Horton's live chat with Team Beachbody WOWY members and it was really great. Thanks Tony.

Well off to work. Have a great day!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 51-52 Update

Hi there,

Well, yesterday was a very foobar day. I was not feeling well all day. I got home in the evening and tried to get myself together to go to Taichi class. I had some tea and was feeling better, but home's gravitational force was too great and I stayed home to do Sweat 3-4 and 12 reps of each ab move (I normally can do 15). So that was good.

This morning I got up to do Fat Burning Express and it was good. Tried to pile on some intensity as yesterday I joined the Club on TBB and was inspired by Tony's trainer tips on intensity=results.

HOWEVER, today is doomed to be another FOOBAR day as I forgot to take some routine medicines this morning and I will need to leave work early or I will feel symptoms. This sucks. I don't have enough leave to keep forgetting this medicine! YACK!

Well, at least I will get my Thursday sculpt workout in early today.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009



What does it mean? "To thine own self be true" "Take care of you" These are the same.

At my kung fu school there is an ancestor altar for our schools late grandmasters. At the highest shelf of the altar sits a statue of GuanGong, a famous general from ancient general who signifies loyalty to one's school, friends and family.

I got to thinking about this and realized that spiritually this resonates with me. Jesus would want me to take good care of myself. Buddha would say the same. Now Guan Gong shows me a way. Discipline and love.

Guan Gong was once forced to surrender to enemy forces, but he fought hard to protect his lord's first wife and second wife (bear with me). The enemy lord was greatly impressed by Guan Gong's loyalty so he eventually gave them safe passage out of respect for Guan Gong. Guan Gong was a hero among men.

Alright, next time you go into a chinese restaurant that has a red altar for Guan Gong, or a traditional Chinese home or business, note the Guan Gong statue and wish me well.

May you live in love and loyalty to yourself and your loved ones.

Day 51: Rest day?

Hi there,

Last night I did my strength workout and then went to teach a kids kung fu class. I was bushed and SORE. (Glad I am finally getting sore as I hit the higher weights and do harder pushups!)

This morning I woke up for my WOWY to do the cardio and Abs rountines, but I just could not do it. I went back to bed. Tonight I have to work late and then I go to my Taichi class (which is actually a TOUGH workout in its own way -- hard to explain!). Anywhoooo... I might not do cardio today. I am finding it is best to be somewhat flexible with my Kung fu class days as my schedule is very tight as it is with LOTS of P90. So I may call today as a P90 rest day. Or maybe I can get off work early and come home and do the cardio before taichi. That'd be cool!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ow! Day 50! Woot!

Oh boy what a sculpt workout I just had. My arms can barely write this post. Ow..

Day 50 is here and done. I have to say I am very satisfied in the new trends I see in myself. I am so much stronger and aerobically fit than 50 days ago. Although I haven't lost that much weight, I have gained strength and fitness.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Today I was up at 5AM like I usually do to workout (unless I oversleep), and THIS morning I had a thought...

What the F*CK am I doing?? It was hilarious! I was like "It's FIVE in the MORNING!" ROFL... Of course I know what I am doing, so I got to my workout. My inner child was fussy... So I ignored him!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Battening Down the Hatchets

This week I am going to be stricter with my points (my nutritional intake) and slow down on exercise some. If I want to do something extra, I will do light yoga or light kung fu exercises. I would really like to kick start my fat loss w/o over-training and this is the plan. Recording here for accountability!

Friday, May 1, 2009


Hi there,

I have realized I need to drink more water. That may be part of why I am not burning fat so readily.

Feeling a big case of Friday Disease today. I just want to go home and nap and get my weekend started. Uggh I am getting old lol. At 34...

See ya dear reader.

Day 46's FBE morning workout was light today. Wanted to rest a bit, but still Crushed PLAY!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 45! Halfway there!

Well, I was on fire in a good way this morning doing Sweat 3-4. I have gotten to where I can reach high with my hands on the knee raises for 4 times and them hands down for 4, repeat, which is great for my heart rate!

My weight loss has SLOWED to a crawl lately, even gaining a lb or so each week! As my BF and muscle readings on my scanner have been improving greatly, I assume I am gaining muscle under the flab! I hope so! I am just going to keep going on with it! Doing my best! Nutrition is key, so I will stay On-Plan with WW as best I can.


EDIT: I can feel a lot of new muscle under the flab, so the above is a very solid hypothesis. Very exciting!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Tony Horton: "Do your best and forget the rest"

Thanks for this Tony Horton. This is the hallmark of a great trainer, teacher, and leader. This is what I strive for when I teach Kung Fu to the little kids in our kids class. Do your best and let go of what you can't do (yet).

Chances are that if you do your best everyday, then you will be able to nibble away at what you CAN'T do. Just like reading a book and learning it's contents. It works the same way with the body.

This is the core concept of yoga as I see it. If you do whatever you practice a little each day the best you can, then you WILL get better.

Day 42, Sculpt

Morning world,

I have decided to keep doing my circuit strength training DVD in the morning. The mind games that arise when I was toying with the idea of doing cardio every morning and then strength 3 day a week were pretty dehabilitating... IYKWIM.

I figure my circuit strength workouts are pretty aerobic as it is as Tony Horton really keeps the pace up! Yeah Tony! Thanks for P90!

Hope you had a great weekend. I know I did with lots of sleep and exercise and eating well.

I discovered the joys of tuna steaks from costco over the weekend pan fryed in a little olive oil. My GOD they're good!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 39, Hugely busy day, overslept

Hey there,

I overslept this morning and huge social events (work lunch party, dinner at chinese buffet with mom, god help me) all day. Hmph. Busy day at work too so I am gonna keep this brief.

I WILL get my sweat workout in this afternoon after work and BEFORE dinner with mom and bro and nephew. GRRRGH!

Will report in later for accountability!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Unhappy, anxiety

You know... Today I am not very happy. I night-ate last night and that sucked. But I have the points in my daily allowance for it..

But then at lunch today I overate at subways. I got two footlongs and was going to save the second..welll you know the rest...

So now I am full in a bad way and I still have dinner to deal with. It upsets my wife when I don't have points left for her dinners. She works hard to cook then for us. I do still have 10 points in my weekly points allowance, so I will play it cool and maybe get some working out in even though today is a rest day...

I always feel better after working out.

Rest day

Hi there,

During my 37 days of P90, I haven't had that many rest days. Well, I decided today is gonna be a rest day. But today at lunch I overate somewhat, so I am feeling some anxiety and combined with my "jonce" to workout, I am getting downright jumpy. I think I will do a sculpt work out taking it easy, learning the resistance bands, and then maybe a "fat burning express" taking it easy too. Just nice and easy to have fun. I am gonna go nuts!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day Thirtysomething

I have been struggling with allergies and drowsiness from antihistimines the last couple of days and I have missed a few WOWY workouts. Sad... Anyway I have still kept up with the program! Victory!

Uggh.. This morning it was sooo hard to do my Sweat 1-2 workout. That is, it was hard to start... Once I DID get started I did fine and it felt really great.

Lately, I have decided to do Sweat and Fat Burning Express (M-W-Sat with Sculpt in the PM) on alternate mornings with Thursday as a rest day. It seems like a good plan. I really want to get back in the habit of morning exercise (not that I am that out of it, just having inner child issues). And like I said this morning to my friend on another BBS, my inner child was throwing a tantrum, but my inner adult was in charge.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Gabriel and Satan Shoot Craps

Sometimes after unhealthy eating, I feel horrible and sick and ashamed and like I am being torn up inside...

It reminds me of a Mike Cross song about some pour schmuck getting killed by a bounty hunter and as he lay there dying, he senses Gabriel and Satan shooting craps for his soul.

If Satan wins you give up and throw in the towel. If good wins you pick yourself up and keep on, forgiving yourself in God's grace. Amen.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

We become what we do

We become what we do.
Chiang Kai-shek

While the Old Jiang wasn't the best of nice people, he has a point here. This is basically the concept of karma. If you plant an apple seed, you will get an apple tree, not a mango tree.

If you eat a lot and don't work your body, your body will get fat. If you eat well and exercise properly, you will live a healthier life!


Tax Day, Power 90 Day 30 Tomorrow!

Man am I excited. Tomorrow is day 30 of my first round of Power 90. So far it's been really great for my lungs, heart and muscular strength! Thanks Tony Horton and Beachbody!

Last night Tony Horton had a chat on He was pretty down on diet programs like nutri-system and jenny craig... and WEIGHTWATCHERS. ... That was pretty sad that he lumped those together. Weightwatchers has a lot of truth to it even without the meetings (lot cheaper that way too). Oh well. Even the most wonderful of gurus can get it wrong once in a while. :/

That being said. I am really turned off by the cost of meetings and gimmicky nature of WW's food sales. All that stuff is crap diet food and it perpetuates the diet cycle. It's just not sexy enough to tell people to go vegatarian or go eat celery! Lol. I guess that's the reality of America though. Reality can be changed one person at a time. Moving Mountains, eh?

So mixed feelings in the end. It's not easy losing 100 lbs or more. A paradigm shift is really needed, which plans like WW can help with (especially when combined with BCB).

/rant over

Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 28-29

Hi there,

I have been wracked my wrist pain and then neck pain over the last 4-5 days. Man it was horrible. But now I am generally better (neck needs a bit more time). I have kept up with workouts modified for my injuries. Thankfully my feet are fine. :)

I switched to Circuit 3-4, so I am happy with that. I also order some PowerStands (Tony's design!) and some more bands. Very Exciting!

I was reading the Escape from Obesity blog and the author had a blog about learned helplessness. I think this is related to what I suffer from. A creeping sense of "why?" that tries to get me to quietly quit my efforts. Hmm... Not so fast butthead! [ speaking to the creeping quitting :) ]

Not feeling very well today, so I won't write much. Keep trudging though! Keep up the fight! The enemy doesn't quit! We can't either! Love is the only answer!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 24, Moody

Hi there,

Got my Master series DVDs in the mail and they look neat. I will have to pace myself and start these much later, so as to not overdo too many difficult exercises and hurt myself (wrists, knees, shoulder OH MY!).

BUT I have been waiting for my perfect pushup and got a notice that the package was delivered yesterday but I wasn't home so now I have to go to the post office to pick it up. Grrh! Oh well, at least I can take the opportunity to mail off my tax returns. :(

Sorry about the whiny blog my dear reader. It's where I am at the last couple days.

However, I will continue to PRESS PLAY and BRING IT!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Hi world,

Today I'd like to talk about Permission. That is, giving yourself permission to splurge and cheat on your nutrition plan. Some people find it helps them and then may gradually find they need it less and less as they practice a healthy lifestyle.

For me, it's quite the opposite. I sabotage myself and get into negative habits of negative thinking. It all becomes a quick sand of self-fulfilling prophecy and failure that I can't escape. I am somehow afraid of how being fit and strong will affect my life. A major part of my personality is that of the serious athelete, which is strange coming from someone who hardly exercised for ten YEARS!

AND I am afraid to FAIL! Wow that's a huge one. My demons of delusion say to me, "aw give up you moron you can't do it" or "you're tired, come on and stop, exercise is too much hassle." Well, it is well within my power to live with these thoughts (demons that they be), and I will explain below.

So a friend's recent post on BCB has inspired me to start a practice of giving myself PERMISSION to succeed with my weight loss goals. I can thank my demons for their opinion (Thanks to Jack Kornfield) and direct my intention toward healthy living. I can dedicate myself to noble success in compassion for myself and those around me. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 20 Update! and BCB drama

Hi there,

Today is Day 20 and I am very happy to be here. In fact, I ordered Power 90 Masters Series in preparation for the second 90 days. Even though I could probably go forward to the more difficult stage 3-4 DVDs, I am taking my time to allow my body to train up to be stably comfortable with the first stage 1-2 DVD workout. In that vein, I am forcing myself to wait to go to 3-4 Sculpt and Sweat AFTER day 30. If I continue that was I may need more variety so Masters Series may be a good choice after that.

The last few days have been a little sad as I have been involved in an argument of sorts with another BCBer. The root of it is one) that I wasn't diplomatic in some posted responses to his posts and two) we see things differently in a bad way. Sigh. Oh well. I have apologized and I will leave alone any posts I disagree with in the future.

I see that it was my fervor hurting him. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. :(

Friday, April 3, 2009


Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.
-- Buddha

Often people who are overweight, especially the extremely overweight and obese person, have some symptoms of HATING themselves, either because of long-term unhappiness and self-destructive tendencies or short-term depression or whatever.

It is my hypothesis and my experience so far that to truly regain the humanity you had when you were young and truly lived life to the fullest, you MUST LOVE YOURSELF. You must let go (not struggle with or destroy) the hate you have for yourself.

Let me give an example from my current efforts: I am following the Power 90 DVD exercise program for 90 days. It mandates that I do 6 workouts a week. Sometimes I might still have some energy or a feeling that I NEED to do more or more heavier weights or whatever. I have to stop and think and make myself rest more. Take my time and be patient with myself. Hold myself in lovingkindness and compassion. Nurture and protect my body as best I can, so I can be on this journey for the rest of my life and not burnout in a blaze of deluded glory only to fall back into depression and self-abandonment.

Hehe, have a happy friday!

Taking it slow

In weight loss, quick results are sometimes desired but generally not recommended. Healthly weight loss is supposed to be around 1 to 2 lbs a week. Well, last time I lost weight last year I lost 70 lbs in 7 months, which was a little too fast. I had loose skin and my body image was out of wack, not to mentioned my clothes!

This time around, I hope to go a little slower and get some overall fitness results at the same time. This is the major area where I am really happy with my Power 90 experience. I have been getting stronger all over my body and my breathing capacity and cardiovascular condition has improved a lot over my previous post-quitting-smoking-low.

PS: I am feeling MUCH better! Back to normal! WOOT!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Terrible Happenings!

I was just listening to one of my Jack Kornfield audiobooks in which he quoted Mark Twain. "My mind is full of terrible happenings. Most of which never happened..."

Many fat people are depressed and many depressed people get fat. This is all related to simply THINKING TOO MUCH. If one is simply mindful and exist in the moment instead of letting feelings, thoughts, and mental self-storytelling "take the wheel," then one is free to do what you need to do with peaceful intent.

Just a thought.

The Worms Control the Spice!

Hi there,

Well today is April Fools Day and supposedly some big worm virus is supposed to morph into a giant disaster today, but so far so good at my work.

Last night not so good. My guts were holding a mutiny. I think it's because I have been eating too much cold food and drinking too much cold drink. Anyway, not fun.

However, I took some medicine last night, got up this morning and was able to at least fake my way through my Power 90 aerobics DVD, which is OK by me considering how weak I feel.

Here's hoping President Obama makes some good connections with world leaders at the London G20 Summit and that the worm is a DUD!


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Slapping the hand that Snatches your Sausages!

Lately, I have been really successful with avoiding night eating! Also, I have been doing well at getting to bed early at around 9PM. Well, last night my wife came home from her late night at about 9 and made her dinner of turkey sausage (high fat kind). I had already had my tuna for the evening, so I was fasting already... :(

However, after sleeping at about 9:30 PM, I suddenly woke up at about 11PM. In my sleepy daze, I remember walking out (I remember picking up my chair -- see previous posts) and asking her "what's that?" pointing to her food (image:cave man, OOO ME WANT!). She answered and I reached out zombie-like to take a piece of sausage. She said "HEY! What are you doing? You don't want that!" I put it down, turned around, again like a ZOMBIE, and went back to bed no problem.

Cracks me up... I need to mention this to my doctor next time I have a checkup! Freaky...

Perfect Pushup!

Hi all,

I am very excited as I just order a "perfect pushup" pushup stands. Lately, I have been having some pain at the inside of my left wrist. Not really sure if it's from the pushups I do for Power 90 or the pushups I do teaching Kung Fu to little kids 3 days a week. Hmm. Personally I blame the P90 pushups, so I am glad to be switching to a more ergonomic method! Keep ya posted! WOOT!


Hi there,

Lately since starting regular strength training with Power 90, I have been upping my protein intake. Protein is said to be good for keeping you feeling full, and I agree. Peronally, I work hard to avoid carbs as they tend to be trigger foods for me. My main grain is oatmeal that I have in the morning. My second grain, gasp!, is white rice. Unfortunately, my dear wife doesn't care for the brown and as I don't really cook (another topic altogether!), I eat a cup of that maximum with some dinners.

Anyway, back to our lovely topic of the day, TUNA! Tuna is the cheapest way to eat protein and supposedly get some of those healthy fish oils that are supposedly so good for you. Here are some ways I make tuna palletable (keep in mind I am a slobbish manthing):

mustard (preferably spicy brown)
salsa (low sodium)
Fat free italian dressing

Using one or more of the above condiments, I combine the tuna with frozen vegetables like cut green beans, green peas (good carbs to keep a long workout going), or chopped brocolli (my favorite taste-wise). This way this concoction will keep well on my way to work, and when I eat it as one of my two lunches, I heat it up nice and hot.

In fact, mustard and salsa tends to make a nice faux curry! Enjoy!

Day 15!

Day 15! Starting to feel downright BEEFY! Well, at least with the blubber over it, BUT I can FEEL it! WOOT!

One thing that I find incredibly interesting about Power 90 is it doesn't hurt my joints as much as Kung Fu or even Taichi! Any sore seems to be purely muscular, which is AWESOME!!!

Today on my strength workout I upped my weights a bit and lessened the reps down to 8. Next time I will try to up the reps to 10 or 12. Maybe by day 30 or 40 I will switch to the next stage, stage 3, which is a new DVD...

I am thinking of adding in Power Half Hour soon, and after I do 60 days I may be ready for Power 90 masters series. Then after maybe 120 days (?) I will take 2 weeks off and then do P90X. This is a very rough plan, but hey. Best to take it slow for sure. Weight loss is a slow and gradual process and the most important thing is to just show up and do your workout as best as you can that day.

In fact... I might just want to keep it slow and methodical to get the maximum benefit. Maybe do stage 3-4 of P90 until I can do more and more weight, then later switch over to P90 master series after a 2 week break. Do Power 90 Master series with Power Half Hour [mind boggling variety!] for 90 days and then another break and THEN P90X!

Monday, March 30, 2009

299! WOOT!

Well, I wasm't going to blog about my weigh-in but I can't resist. I weighed-in on Sunday morning at 297.4, but to be conservative and not compete with a false loss, I am calling it at 299 lbs. I checked my records and I haven't been at this weight in 4 months, so this is nice.

What this means: As I have exited the "decade" of 301-310 lbs, I lose a WW point and have to slightly decrease my caloric intake.

So it's a nice milestone no matter what!

Food Memory

My office had a big office party last friday and there is food leftover sitting there in the kitchen on offer. Cake, chicken, blah blah... The yellow cake was calling to me just now as I love that sweet icing. I know deep down the stuff is TOTAL CRAP! So I summoned up a thought that has helped me recently:

"Remember the taste"

I have had yellow cake with sweet icing millions of times. And as a net-friend of mine has been quoted as saying "If you do what you have always done, you get what you always got." (Bootcamp Buddies' Mr. CW -- to the best of my knowledge). So I stood there enjoying what yellow cake used to taste like and remembered that after that first bite it always tastes worse and WORSE until it tastes like sugary crap in your mouth and you want to PUKE!

I think you get the drift. Your mind is a powerful weapon. Use it.

Power 90 Day 14 Update

Hi there,

I completed my day 14 workout today. My wife helped me do some measurements last night and unfortunately, not much has changed numbers-wise. Never fear! I am not daunted by this. Day 14 is soooo early and I am prepared to simply bear witness to my enthusiasm without getting kookoo about it.

Meanwhile, the workouts are working out nicely (sorry for the pun)! I am still challenged by Sweat 1-2/Abs 100 and Sculpt 1-2, but I feel like I might be fit enough to attempt 3-4 after Day 30.

Yesterday I got my new heart monitor in the mail from It was cheap at 35 dollars, but I am very pleased with the quality. It really helped me step it up a bit in yesterday's sculpt workout.

Lastly, I want to report that I tried the Fat Burner Express workout and it was really great. Lots of fun moves in there! Some of which seem like they might help me with my martial arts practice long term too!

Memorial Day Challenge!

Hi there,

I signed up for a Memorial Day Challenge on Bootcamp Buddies today. That is to say, I will shoot to lose 16 lbs over the next two months. Without any mistakes or bumps in the road, this should be a cakewalk (forgive the food porn).

With my combination of the Power 90 DVD program (on Day 14), Weightwatchers (on my own), and Bootcamp Buddies support (I love you guys!), I am very sure I can make it.

Why 16 lbs? Because healthy weight loss is supposedly 1-2 lbs a week... I think attempting any more is to tempt fate (burnout!), plateaus (overtraining!) and other bad things. Also in Chinese, 16 is a lucky number!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nordic Walking ROCKS

Ever heard of Nordic Walking?

No? Well, it's a great way to exercise, especially if you are heavy. First get some adjustable or non-adjustable hiking poles, then buy some rubber tips (or "paws", Amazon has em), put em together, learn how to do it, then walk away the lbs!

Well, I am not the best preacher for this type of exercise. I used to live in a great neighborhood for walking, but since moving to a new apartment complex, I have gravitated towards indoor workouts like Beachbody DVDs (Power 90, which I recently started) or Yoga DVDs.

Once the weather gets nice and I get used to my new area, I'd like to do more Nordic walking!

Sleep-eating (AKA Zombie Snacking)

Hello there,

A couple of weeks ago as I was trying to recommit to Weightwatchers I kept having episodes at nighttime, bedtime, in the middle of the night, or when I'd wake up where I'd go to the kitchen and eat peanut butter in binge quantities. I'd try to stop myself and something in my mind (me of course, I am not crazy) said "NO!" That scared me bigtime, so I started talking with my friends about it. When I likened my problem to sleep-walking, one of my co-workers said that when she sleepwalked as a child, her parents would block dangerous areas with a chair or other obstacles to keep her safe.

So I tried it and for 3 weeks now it has really helped my resolve to stay out of the kitchen and away from food at night time. Being "empty" at night is really a great feeling. Hunger seems to fade with time, so so far so good!

Power 90 / Bootcamp Buddies / Weightwatchers


Welcome to my blog, Moving Mountains. My name is Michael. I am 33 years old, and I currently weigh 300 lbs. Facing depression and wanting to get back to my childhood passion of learning Kung Fu, I joined Weightwatchers a year ago in January 2009.

Unemployed at the time, I made losing weight my job. I walked and walked. I stuck to the WW plan.

I joined a weightwatchers-oriented BBS forum called Bootcamp Buddies, which has helped a lot. I highly recommend Bootcamp Buddies (AKA BCB), especially if you need to lose a lot of weight and need a long-term community of acceptance and support.

Most importantly, I lost more than 70 lbs, dropping from an all-time high of 332 lbs to 257 or so in 7-8 months!! It was very cool!

Then life happened. I needed to get a job. A lack of income was killing my relationships with my wife and my family (parents).

The good thing is that I found one, but in the process, I relapsed back into smoking cigarettes. Along with the office bagels and donuts, I regained at least 50 lbs. I became deeply depressed. I thought about dying so, so many times. When I finally woke up (after quitting cigarettes), I was more than 310 lbs again!

In February of 2009, I re-commited to Weightwatchers (but quit meetings!) and started searching for new exercise choices. My passion of learning and practicing Chinese traditional kung fu was slipping awy from me AGAIN!

I found P90X on TV, but in doing research I realized it would be too hard for me as pushups and pullups and cardio are ALL weak areas for me. So I purchased Power 90 In-home Boot Camp and now it's Day 9.

It's HARD for me, but it has already worked with my WW plan to help me slim down some.

Well, that's all for now. I hope to share more with you in the near future. Some topics I plan to discuss are: my current method for avoiding midnight snacking, my understanding of the nature of thoughts, feelings and self, Buddhism, and my Team Beachbody journey in general.

Lastly, I'd like to introduce a Chinese proverb to you: You can move mountains stone by stone.

(Loosely translated from YuGongYiShan, if you know Chinese).

Peace and compassion,
