Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day 66: Feeling good

Hi there,

Did my Fat Burning Express DVD this morning and I have kung fu classes tonight. I am working on figuring out when I am full and stopping eating no matter what. Also trying to restart avoiding sugar! This is in order to keep insulin levels down in my blood so that my cells pull energy from my fat cells efficiently. Sugar just makes you crave more sugar. Hmmm... Guess those nutrition bars... have to go... Oh well my wife may like them. Otherwise I can give them to my 19 yo brother. He'll eat them. He is, after all, still a growing (?) boy, I mean, man...

Today I was watching a Youtube video about how the processed flour and vegetable oil producers have co-opted the government into lying to the world that sat fats are bad. What they mean is that sat fats are not bad, b/c before processed flour and oil people had less heart disease, etc. I bet there is truth in both standpoints. Both sides use fear tactics and I suppose both are lying. It's just plain sad. The nutrition questions involved are FASCINATING!

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