Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day Thirtysomething

I have been struggling with allergies and drowsiness from antihistimines the last couple of days and I have missed a few WOWY workouts. Sad... Anyway I have still kept up with the program! Victory!

Uggh.. This morning it was sooo hard to do my Sweat 1-2 workout. That is, it was hard to start... Once I DID get started I did fine and it felt really great.

Lately, I have decided to do Sweat and Fat Burning Express (M-W-Sat with Sculpt in the PM) on alternate mornings with Thursday as a rest day. It seems like a good plan. I really want to get back in the habit of morning exercise (not that I am that out of it, just having inner child issues). And like I said this morning to my friend on another BBS, my inner child was throwing a tantrum, but my inner adult was in charge.

1 comment:

  1. Do you plan on posting pictures/stats? Also, what kind of protein do you take and supplements? I am always curious as to what others use, haha.
