Monday, March 30, 2009

299! WOOT!

Well, I wasm't going to blog about my weigh-in but I can't resist. I weighed-in on Sunday morning at 297.4, but to be conservative and not compete with a false loss, I am calling it at 299 lbs. I checked my records and I haven't been at this weight in 4 months, so this is nice.

What this means: As I have exited the "decade" of 301-310 lbs, I lose a WW point and have to slightly decrease my caloric intake.

So it's a nice milestone no matter what!


  1. Yay, Mike!!!!

  2. Wow Mike, very cool... What a wonderful milestone!

  3. It's a great feeling getting under 300 isn't it? Now you can say you'll never hit 300 again.

